In this download you can find a model answer for the ISE Foundation sample paper 1 reading into writing task and ready to use classroom activities. This is a descriptive essay and it takes the student from looking at the requisites for a descriptive essay in task three, to a focus on the functional language they need to use, to correcting and rewriting a sample answer, so that it meets all the necessary requirements to pass the ISE Foundation (A2) exam

Classroom activities
This class takes the student from looking at the requisites for a descriptive essay in task three, to a focus on the functional language they need to use, to correcting and rewriting a sample answer, so that it meets all the necessary requirements to pass the ISE Foundation (A2) exam.
We hope you find this useful!
File: ISE Foundation Reading into Writing Essay
Don’t forget to try our other ISE Foundation resources – there are conversation question cards for the different subject areas, vocabulary handouts, lesson plans and more… :)